Séasúr an Fhómhair 2024 / Autumn Season 2024
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(Al midan)

The Square thumb
Director: Jehane Noujaim
Egypt 2013
95 minutes
Cert: CLUB


This is an immersive and atmospheric documentary account of what it's like to be plunged into the revolutionary maelstrom of Tahrir Square: a world of passionate dedication and confusion; a torrent of YouTube testimony, shifting alliances and a mysterious sense that the army can go overnight from being the good guys to the bad guys and back again. Containing awe-inspiring overhead shots which show people swarming all over the city, the lesson is that only the mass physical presence can achieve dizzying (although short-term) gains. Simply retweeting revolutionary sentiment is not enough. This is a gripping story and it’s legacy is yet to be fully played out.

The Square thumb